HIPxChange welcomes submissions of tools and materials for health system change to be posted on HIPxChange.
If you have conducted an intervention and have materials that would potentially be useful for other healthcare systems that you are interested in sharing, we encourage you to get in touch with the Health Innovation Program (HIPxChange@hip.wisc.edu) about creating a toolkit.
HIP staff have experience with creating toolkits from a variety of materials, and have processes in place to make your involvement as easy and streamlined as possible.
Note for those who intend to publish their intervention protocol or results in an article: If you would like to create a toolkit for HIPxChange and are planning to publish an article (peer-reviewed or not) about your intervention, please include a link to the HIPxChange website in your manuscript so that readers of your published article can easily find the toolkit. Note that you do not need to have a completed toolkit at the time that you submit your manuscript to your target journal. It is typically fine to wait to complete the toolkit as long as it is ready by the time your manuscript is published.