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The NIH Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Program exists to help turn research from the lab, clinic, and community into interventions that improve the health of individuals and the public at large. The field of dissemination and implementation (D&I) has essentially the same goal. Building the D&I capacity of CTSA grantees can substantially further a CTSA’s mission.
The University of Wisconsin – Madison (UW) has been a NIH CTSA grantee (or hub) since 2007, with three consecutive awards. The UW hub, called the Institute for Clinical & Translational Research (ICTR), is one of 61 CTSA grantees nationwide. Within ICTR, the Community-Academic Partnerships program (ICTR-CAP) supports statewide multi-disciplinary, community-partnered research to solve problems in translating knowledge into improvements in clinical practice, community health programs, and health policy with the goal of improving human health and reducing health disparities. ICTR-CAP is organized as a federation of programs mobilized to support its mission. At present the ICTR-CAP federation includes 39 programs and centers across UW-Madison and Marshfield Clinic Research Institute, with about half of the federation partners receiving ICTR-CAP funds.
To prepare for the CTSA grant renewal application in 2011, ICTR-CAP engaged federation program leaders in a strategic planning activity to identify barriers to the dissemination and implementation of UW research. This activity revealed a gap in resources to support D&I, reducing the overall impact of research supported by the CTSA. The specific gaps identified during this process and the strategies to address them are described in this paper: Quanbeck A, Mahoney J, Kies, K, Judge K, Smith M. Building D&I capacity within a CTSA: a toolkit, The Journal of Clinical and Translational Research, forthcoming in 2020. In response to the identified needs, ICTR-CAP launched two separate cores in 2013, one focused on supporting D&I research, the other on supporting D&I activities. Because the work of the two cores was so closely related, they later merged into one that is now called the D&I Launchpad. Current D&I Launchpad services include education and training (e.g., the annual D&I short course); community outreach; research consulting; assistance in developing dissemination products and plans; and implementation support. More on D&I Launchpad resources here: https://ictr.wisc.edu/dissemination-implementation/.
This toolkit describes several UW CTSA initiatives to support dissemination and implementation research and activities in recent years (2013-2019). We hope the practical information offered might be useful to other CTSA programs interested in developing D&I resources within their own institution.
Who should use this toolkit?
This toolkit should be used by CTSA program leaders seeking to build D&I capacity within their CTSAs.
What does the toolkit contain?
The toolkit describes resources and activities developed to build D&I capacity at UW’s Institute for Clinical and Translational Research. It includes attachments that might serve as models, examples, or templates to adapt. All documents are in PDF format.
How should these tools be used?
Development of this toolkit
The Developing Dissemination and Implementation Capacity Within a CTSA Toolkit was created by researchers and clinicians (Principal Investigator: Andrew Quanbeck, PhD) at the University of Wisconsin – Madison School of Medicine & Public Health, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health.
Toolkit development was supported in part by Clinical and Translational Science Award 1UL1TR002373-01 from NCATS. Dr. Quanbeck is supported by grants from NIDA (1R01DA047279-01, 1K01DA039336) and NIAAA (1R01AA024150-01A1). Dr. Quanbeck is an investigator with the Implementation Research Institute (IRI), at the George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis. He is also supported through an award from the National Institute of Mental Health (5R25MH08091607) and the Department of Veterans Affairs, Health Services Research & Development Service, Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI). The funders had no role in preparing this toolkit.
Please send questions, comments and suggestions to HIPxChange@hip.wisc.edu.
Quanbeck A, Mahoney J, Kies K, Judge K, Smith M. Building capacity for dissemination and implementation to maximize research impact in a CTSA: the University of Wisconsin story. J Clin and Translational Sci. 2020; 1-25.
Toolkit Citation
Quanbeck A, Mahoney J, Kies, K, Judge K, Smith M. Developing Dissemination and Implementation Capacity Within a CTSA: A Toolkit. University of Wisconsin – Madison School of Medicine and Public Health – Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, Health Innovation Program, Dissemination and Implementation Launchpad. Madison, WI; 2019. Available at: www.hipxchange.org/DevelopD&I.